miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

Who Took the Cookie?

All: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
Leader: Pedro (student's name) took the cookie from the cookie jar!
Pedro: Who, me?
All: Yes, you!
Pedro: Not me!
All: Then who?
Pedro: Rina!
All: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?Rina took the cookie from the cookie jar!
Rina: Who me?
All: Yes, you!
Rina: Not me!
All: Then who?
Rina: Isabella!
All: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?Isabella took the cookie from the cookie jar?
Isabella: Who me?
All: Yes you!
Isabella: Not me!
All: Then who?
(Repeat, naming all of the students in the class or in your group. If you are doing it at home, name all the members of the family.)
With older kids, you may want to introduce an element of competition. Try to keep the beat steady and if a child can't think of another student's name and stay on the beat, they are "out." For example:
All: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?Pedro took the cookie from the cookie jar.
Pedro: Who me?
All: Yes you!
Pedro: Not me!
All: Then who?
Pedro: Umm... Umm... Umm...
Leader: Time's up!

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